Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The World is not perfect - but it's not half bad !

Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel through which all other thoughts drain.
So when I grow weary of missing you, I go and walk where the wind sighs in the trees.
I go to the place where the peace of the wild things flourish.
I come into the presence of still waters, and feel above me the day-blind stars, waiting for their light.
For a time I rest in the grace of the world and am free of woes.

Nice day for a walk

Christmas at Tutu & Poppa's 2010 - The joy of sharing!

Sharing a slice of quiet time, at the Rusty Roo
I know that some times sadness descends apon the soul like a wet stagnant blanket. Suffocating and heavy.
I remember in PNG being surrounded by developing country standards and feeling helpless. How does one improve their lot?
Living there and getting to know the people, I started to see, the pride, the community and the happiness. If I didn't think about what I had, that they did not, I saw what they had, which was different, but to them was LIFE as they knew it . . . . and it was Just fine and dandy, thankyou !!!
The things I could change, like health standards and clothing and food they appreciated. . . . . but the rest they were happy with. Maybe because they knew no other ?
Sometimes you have to step away from what you know exists and see what is there in front of you.
Finding a small way to help is a good idea. Even a smile, a wave and an open heart.
But the main thing for you is to remember, is what you have and to celebrate and appreciate the fact . . . a warm home and a loving family . . . with lots of great friends.
I found this and thought it was appropriate.
The fact that there is always a positive side to life is the one thing that gives me a lot of happiness. This world is not perfect. There are problems. But things like happiness and unhappiness are relative. Realizing this gives you hope.

Dalai Lama

I found a picture of a very ingenous/creative/imaginative architect in Beijing and his way of making a place for himself . . . I will put it in my next post. Love your post . . . .remember be carefull what you include . . .nothing political or too critical.

Until then, missing you like crazy . . . .loving you lots xxxxxoxxxxx

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