Saturday, January 22, 2011

Work out the door and in the gallery yahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Seems a wee bit trivial to be worrying and organizing an exhibition, what with all the people suffering from the recent floods. . . . .however, life seems to move on regardless and one does, what one must!!!
Beauty of Patterns lost
Biodiversity is a slippery subject. 61 x 61 cm (work in process - few more layers since )

I was so relieved to be able to drop off, the 17 art works I have been working on, to the Logan City Art Gallery

The moisture content in the atmosphere here in Yeronga and I presume elsewhere in Brissy, is currently very lethal to art works. Also, the sheer quantity of other peoples belongings that have been stored at out house, while people get their own houses organized, means that my paintings have been occupying half the halfway for the past few weeks.

It is a wonder they are still okay with the amount of times they have been kicked, knocked over or moved.
When we move in, who must move out? 61 cm x 61 cm ( work in progress, few more layers since )

I am now looking forward to seeing them hung and can't wait to see how they are curated. I always adore the way the Logan City Art Gallery presents a show. It is so professional and aesthetically clean, with desirable brochures and a great opening night.

So please pen in the 25 Th February, to join me at the Gallery for the opening night.

Yes! I will send out an email reminder closer to the actual date . . . but, I do know how busy you all get and thought I'd just send this out early.

Look forward to seeing you there. xxxx
Thank you to everyone who has rung, emailed, face-booked and personally extended their well wishes over the past weeks. We are Okay and survived mostly unscathed during the floods.
Best wishes to you and yours.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sleeping beauties and thankgod for short legs.

Sleeping Beauties

Well I guess by now you will be in Singapore and enjoying the last leg of that part of your journey. You will need the 'down time' with Peter and Yanyan to recover. Please give them my love and Best wishes. I do hope they are sorting out the business. . . .and that they are not short too much money.

Had another afternoon storm today. So our walks with Snoopy have been brief.
Sab's parents came over this afternoon to pick up some clothes to wear and say hello. They look quite shell shocked, but resigned to what has happened.

We are going to Lily's for a drink this Friday night and then through to the Roo to see what has happened up there.

It feels like years since we were there with you for that nice week-end.

Dad and I loved the pics you sent of the drawings. Great items to remember your holiday with. Did you get one each ? Which one did you keep?
Sent email this morning, so not much to add. Safe travels and say Hi to Leela and family.
From missing you like crazy xxxxxx

Friday, January 14, 2011

Gidday Beautiful.

I guess you have been wondering what has been going on here in Yeronga.

Only last week, we were thinking that there was an awful lot of rain. . . . after 10 years of drought and trying to keep everything alive . . . we found ourselves wondering if the Roo dam would now survive so much water . . . . but never imagining that we would be soon experiencing the devastating floods.

However, we have been soooooooooo lucky.

We moved out Tutu and Poppas down stairs things to our house and then when we heard that the floods were expecting to be at least a meter higher than in 1974, we returned and lifted everything upstairs, as high as we could.

Kurt passed by and bought Body and Dayn back to help Poppa & Tutu move the Billiard table. We were all so appreciative of their help. That is something we have noticed throughout . . .the way everyone has been helpful.

It was hard to imagine what was to come . . . the water just rose higher and higher . . .very quietly. Sabs house went under . . . Arron is arriving in the morning and we intend to go there tomorrow, to help clean up.

I have placed some pictures on my BLOG. I have not taken many of the devastation everywhere, as people are feeling very raw and working so hard to remove all the mud, that they do not appreciate someone walking around taking pictures. . . .and I don't blame them.

Something that is hard to explain, is the smell. As I sit here the stagnant, rotten smell clings to the back of my throat. The rubbish has not been emptied in two weeks and the mud is a foot deep.

One amazing thing is the speed with which people have appeared to help and clean up. truly a miracle. Will send some more pics after tommorrow.

Hope you are still having a great time . . .LOVE your BLOG xxxxx

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Memories are made . . . .

I adore the gifs you have on your blog. I am thoroughly enjoying the FUN and excitement you seem to be having!!
I keep checking to see what is new and yelling out to Dad, and or Arron to come and have a look.

Arron left this morning after spending the night with us at Cheryl and Ians. Was good to have him here. He slept in his old room in his old bed. He caught up with his mates and they had a walk through the nature reserve at redcliff. Who would ever have thought they would be nature lovers ???

We have organized to go up to caloundra to visit him, at the end of January.

I have nothing new for now . . . .so will send something for you to remember.
Wasn't this a great holiday!!!!?

One of my favourite pics of us, at Straddie . . . . this was not our didyoubringyabeer . . . .this was cutter street didyabringthechampagne?

I look forward to more holidays like this in the future xxxxx

but for now, we wish for you, sweet dreams and FUn adventures.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

And life goes on

Going through all your goodies, trying to decide what to keep and what to throw away, I came across your Graduation speech from St Sebastians. Grade 7 - to All Hallows.

"Graduation, or otherwise known as the 'big G', the 'big yah', or the 'big cry'. I remember grade 1 like it was yesterday, when I walked in the school gate and my bag was as big as I was. And when I walked out my socks were always filthy. I was scared of starting at a big school but I soon made friends and had good times . . . .So I got home on the last day of school and said to Mum & Dad " I don't want to go to year 2", but Mum just smiled and replied, ' but, you'll have so much fun and it won't be long before you will LOVE it !" And that was the end of grade * . . . "

Each year is a repeat of the same lament, "I don't want to grow up, or move to another grade ". . . now after so many years, I find myself thinking and repeating the same message to you. . . "it won't be long and you will love it", but this time I feel like I am talking to the converted.

Moving forward . . . .what travels, memories and stories you will have to tell.
LIFE . . .it sure is full of some mighty grand sights to see and adventures to share.

LOVE you and only wish I could be there to share every moment with you . . . .xxxxxx
from missing you like crazy . . .but, I am so very happy that you are having such a great time.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Everything that is old, is new again . . . sort of!

Lots of moving, shaking, dusting and washing . . . now some painting to do, and it don't look half bad !!!!.
Will paint all the walls white . . . .will send another pic, when I have finished . . .
Look at the light . . . . I washed all the windows . . . .amazing !!!!

Your room . . . . see I have protected your lounge . . . . the room next door and the little room are still b'rooms.
You may want to keep it this way when you return . . . . there is a lot more room in there . .. . but then that may be because we have moved 48 boxes of your belongings to the shed at the property !!!!!

The bedroom is now a lounge room and dinning room . . . . looks cool . . . . . Arron cleaned that fan. It is white !

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Memories by which we travel

I am sorting through your belongings and trying to be brave . . . . Knowing your having such a fantastic time helps.

Let it go,

Let it go,

Let it all unravel;

Let it free

And it will be

A path on which to travel.

Our path most weekends . . . to the Roo

Moments of no consequence seem to make a lot of sence,

Like the gentle pitter patter of the things that do not matter,

As I sit alone and stare neither here or neither there.

Suddenly I am made aware, that there is something over there,

Of which I wish to look and stare, for I know not one other that can compare,

This beauty that makes no sence, is something without pretence. . . . . a wonder that is heaven sent.

Remember it is soooooooooooo important to Take the time to look, feel, smell and touch all the small joys, life has to offer . . . . . free

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The World is not perfect - but it's not half bad !

Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel through which all other thoughts drain.
So when I grow weary of missing you, I go and walk where the wind sighs in the trees.
I go to the place where the peace of the wild things flourish.
I come into the presence of still waters, and feel above me the day-blind stars, waiting for their light.
For a time I rest in the grace of the world and am free of woes.

Nice day for a walk

Christmas at Tutu & Poppa's 2010 - The joy of sharing!

Sharing a slice of quiet time, at the Rusty Roo
I know that some times sadness descends apon the soul like a wet stagnant blanket. Suffocating and heavy.
I remember in PNG being surrounded by developing country standards and feeling helpless. How does one improve their lot?
Living there and getting to know the people, I started to see, the pride, the community and the happiness. If I didn't think about what I had, that they did not, I saw what they had, which was different, but to them was LIFE as they knew it . . . . and it was Just fine and dandy, thankyou !!!
The things I could change, like health standards and clothing and food they appreciated. . . . . but the rest they were happy with. Maybe because they knew no other ?
Sometimes you have to step away from what you know exists and see what is there in front of you.
Finding a small way to help is a good idea. Even a smile, a wave and an open heart.
But the main thing for you is to remember, is what you have and to celebrate and appreciate the fact . . . a warm home and a loving family . . . with lots of great friends.
I found this and thought it was appropriate.
The fact that there is always a positive side to life is the one thing that gives me a lot of happiness. This world is not perfect. There are problems. But things like happiness and unhappiness are relative. Realizing this gives you hope.

Dalai Lama

I found a picture of a very ingenous/creative/imaginative architect in Beijing and his way of making a place for himself . . . I will put it in my next post. Love your post . . . .remember be carefull what you include . . .nothing political or too critical.

Until then, missing you like crazy . . . .loving you lots xxxxxoxxxxx

Snoopy, Birthday cake and swimming

It was once great to have the freedom of the road and the wind in your hair . . . .
Now it is traveling the world!

Did you feel like a 19 year old with your 'Safari cake'? I loved the monkies!

Dad and I have just hoped out of the pool, had dinner and are both now doing some computer time.

The day was hot with showers now and then. Tried to contact you by skype, but imagine you are out and about. It is 8.45pm. Has Liz improved ? Talked to Poppa on Skype while I was trying to contact you. They asked how you were going. You may want to send a few words by email every other few days, just to let us know you are Okay.

We think we will go to the movies tomorrow night. Have some Sushi. We think we will see The accidental tourist with Anjalina Jollie. Thought we may see the Kings speech, but think we will wait for it to come out on DVD. It will seem so strange, there just being the two of us.

Started cleaning out your room today. I hope I am doing all the right things. Cameron is going to take your old All Hallows uniforms to Brother Conroy at St Sabs, to see if anyone needs them. I gather all the things in the spare room are for life line?

We are going to Cheryl & Ians for Saturday night after the afternoon lane party. It is Dom's B'day. Arron may come up and join us, as he is still on holidays.

Well, am going to start the meandering process that takes me to bed. Love you, can't wait to see what you put up on your blog . . . .hint! hint! from, missing you like crazy. xxxx

Monday, January 3, 2011

Who is now in my Hammock ?. . . . Arron !

Who is in my hammock?
Spent a very relaxing weekend at the Roo. We called into the Fernvale markets and bought some more lillies and grasses to plant up the driveway. Decided I will get some agapanthas next time. Man said he will soon have some Pepper trees available.

Arron joined us for a few days and helped Dad/Cameron remove some stumps. Helped catch some toads and had a hang out in the Hammock. Was wonderful to share the time with him.

Cheryl & Ian came up for the night. We enjoyed their company as we shared a scrummy meal, then sat out on the front verandah listening to the chorus of frogs, catching up on all the news, while the boys made a bon fire . . . .

Then today we payed a delightful visit to Warren & Alwyn. Walked around their garden which is looking fantastic after all the rain. They had been holed up as their creek was flooded, but are now able to use the road again, as the rain has stopped . . for now.
(So many people are suffering from the excess rain. So sad for them, after so many years of drought . . . . )
We are still enjoying the extra rainfall.
I am enjoying my E-reader. Great with the little light. Thankyou xxx Will add a list of some of the great/interesting/enjoyable books I have read lately . . . just in case you get time to indulge in some good reading 'down time', while in Hong Kong.
Didn't contact you tonight as we had heard from you last night and assumed you and Liz will be having a great time exploring. Sent through some emails and will try sending a sms tomorrow night.
Your friends picked up all their belongings. They left a nice message thanking us.
I will start cleaning your room and upstairs tomorrow. Not looking forward to it as it will seem soooooooooooo empty.

We hope your enjoying Singapore. Please say Hi to Liz and Leela.

Our LOVE for now. Sweet deams and a big slobber from Snoopy xxx

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Missing you like crazy

Parting, how can it ever be a sweet sorrow? A mighty painful blow is what it is. Or it could be described as a God almighty kick in the guts, or a heart wrenching blow. Nothing sweet about it.

We felt like we had just retrieved you from a saturated, smelly Woodford folk festival, for a much needed clean, when we found ourselves once again, taking you out the door, onto another journey.

How do they manage to be sooooo Glamorous, despite the mud !

We dutifully deposited you at the airport terminal, for a 2.45am departure to Singapore, with the final destination being a year in China. I was full of everything I wanted to say and not knowing how to say any of it. How do you express so much LOVE and so much wanting to, not let you go . . .but, knowing you must.

I spent the night roaming the house looking into all the cupboards and wardrobes full of discarded items and abandoned matter. Why were you not here? Why go? A fridge full of half consumed food and a washing basket brim full of dirty clothes. I felt your absence like an aching hollow.

A fridge full of memories

For 19 years you have laughed, cried, partied, relaxed, dined, had numerous sleep overs and studied within these walls and gardens. Your joyful ability to embrace life, as an all consuming fantastically positive adventure, has enhanced all our lives and contributed hugely to our happiness.

Birthday wishes . . . . Happiness throughout 2011 !!

Now here I am, at this early hour not able to sleep. . . . what to do?

So, I have decided to start this diary as a way of sending my LOVE to you, from here to there. I will make regular entries of random things, that I know you will remember, enjoy or find amusing. So keep popping in to see what is HERE and to find some more LOVE, I am sending to you THERE.

Keep happy my darling. We wish for you, every small joy, each and every day.

From . . . Missing you like crazy. xxx